Hi, I’m Rachel Mills.

I am a mother of 8 (YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT) 8 beautiful children that I love with all my heart! Y’all I love God. Let me be so clear about that! Whatever your faith tradition or belief my goal would be that you feel a message of HOPE, PEACE and absolute LOVE with each of our sessions. My coaching will reflect both the knowledge that I have gained through faithfully following Jesus all my life, mothering 8 children and tirelessly immersing myself in this world of coaching.

I have learned so much from the process of becoming a Certified Life Coach! I am excited to share it all with you. I would have loved to have developed these tools as a young mother but realize how powerful and effective they can be at ANY stage of life. As my father in law says “ we are never done growing until we are safely dead!” I hope you will love the journey you are about to embark on! It will change your life in all the good ways! The growth and strength you are about to experience will not only blow your mind but drive you to your knees! I can’t wait to join you!

My Approach


As a certified Life Coach and a strong Christian with 25 years of experience of mothering and coaching my own kiddos I will incorporate all my experience, mistakes and training to help you navigate your current challenges and build a life you love. I will help you develop the skills to not only tackle your current challenge but help you in all of the oppertunities for growth down the road!


What I Do…….

▫Help my clients get “un-stuck” and create a life they will love.

-Help my clients see what’s going on in their amazing and unique brains (your mind will be blown by this one step alone!)

▫Teach my clients concepts and tools to become the Boss of their Brains!

▫Create a safe, judgement-free space for my clients to be able to share all the things we don’t even like to admit to ourselves.

▫Empower my clients to take responsibility for their own happiness.

▫Help my clients focus only on things within their control.

▫Help my clients design and create a future they love, no matter what the past has brought.

▫Offer optional resources that I think may be helpful to you (worksheets, journaling exercises, books, podcasts, etc.)

▫Much more

What I Don’t do……..

▫Judge you or others involved or the situation you are in.

▫Discuss our conversations with anyone else.

▫Diagnose mental issues or discuss medication options.

▫Give personal advice or opinions or tell you what to do (friends are great at that, but as your coach I am trained to help you tap into your own wisdom to find your answers.)

▫Require you to do worksheets or assignments (I do have many resources that I find extremely helpful, but all are optional)

▫Get “salesy" or try to pressure you into working with me. I only want to move forward if it’s a good fit for both of us

▫Guarantee or promise results for you... only you can do that for yourself. (And when you do, we celebrate!)